Thursday, November 20, 2008

1st report from Moscow (by Tony Sin)

Greetings friends in Malaysia & all round the world!!!
I'm back with an update on how life in Moscow is.

Firstly, let me introduce you all to 'Shaumar'. It contains roasted marinated meat wrapped in a piece of 'Lawash'. Its a popular Russian snack (but for me I consider it a full meal, due to its large size. LOL) which cost around 140+rubbles, or RM20+ each

It tasted like 'Siew Yuk' which is found in Malaysia, however the meat here is more tender and juicy.

The picture above shows the meat being wrapped in a piece of Lawash. Lawash is thin like our Malaysian roti tissue, but less oily, however more salty and contains spices. The texture is rough like a paper bag, maybe due to the flour used. So I just called it roti tisu tandas. Haha, I don't know much, but I know it is tasty and filling.

Here is a picture of my messy room. The bed on the left is mine, and right, my 33 years old room mate which is a orthopedic surgeon serving in a hospital nearby. By the way, he's a Syrian and has 3 different girlfriends.

The blocks toilet and shower/bathtub

The next room, which is also stayed by 2 Malaysians

The kitchen where i show off my cooking skills.

My block main door.

The 2nd floor corridor. You can see the doors for different blocks.

The entrance to my hostel with the guard post on the right.

The walk way in front of my hostel.

Cars covered in snow.

My hostel taken from opposite the road

Children's playground which is covered in snow.

If you all have wondered, what is the meaning of a block, actually my hostel (which is called Spartivnaya) consist of many blocks=rooms on each floor. In each block, there are 3 rooms, a kitchen, a meeting place and a toilet. So my block number is 210, while my room number is 210/2. Not so hostel like, but cant consider it to be apartment like to.

The time difference is we are 5 hours behind Malaysia(daylight saving) and the exchange rate is RM1 is 7.7rubbles, which you cant buy anything here except donating to the beggars.

So this is the end of my post. Take care and all the best to you all. Will post more pictures soon. Bye from Moscow...

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